Solaris Feature Set Release
Overview and Update
Solaris is a 1v1 or 2v2 gladiatorial style game expansion for MechWarrior Online.
Every ‘Mech variant in the game will be placed into 1 of 7 divisions based on their maxed out combat capabilities, so for example it will be possible to see a ‘Mech chassis have a variant in one division and another variant in another division.
Solaris will be played out in seasons. (Currently planned to be 3 months long). At the end of the season, rewards are giving out for top performing MechWarriors in each division with additional attention to those at the top of the global leaderboards.
There are no registered teams in Solaris. People can create a 2 player group and enter Solaris but they will not have a team based Elo score.
Match making will be performed on pure Elo calculations of players participating in Solaris. Groups will be matched using the player with the highest Elo value. Elo adjustments to the player with lower Elo scores will be calculated on the numbers generated by the higher Elo players on each team. This minimizes the capabilities of carrying low Elo players into match making levels where they aren’t naturally placed.
Prior to entering a match, players or groups will be banning maps in a turn based elimination method. Once 4 out of the 5 available maps have been banned, the remaining map will be the map the match is played on.
Server selection will be based on players opting in to the regional servers they are willing to play on. There is a server balancing algorithm that will bias server selection to the player who has not played on their own server previously. This is the same functionality as Comp Play.
Players will align themselves with a Patron who will be providing them with base reward payouts of C-Bills, XP and Accolades (ACC). Accolades are points used to rank up with the patrons and can be considered ‘fame’ for performing well in Solaris. The various ranks in Patrons will reward players with bolt-on cosmetics and other rewards. Each Patron has a booster associated to them that will give one extra boost in one of the 3 reward types (CB/XP/ACC). Patrons contract the players so players will be able to switch Patrons, if they wish, when the contract expires.
Along with Patrons, Sponsors will play a part in rewarding players who perform well. Sponsors will provide a straight up C-Bill boost per win while the Sponsor is active. Unlike Patrons however, Sponsors can be lost due to poor performance. Sponsors are gained and lost based on a 24-hour window of observation of Elo changes.
There are leaderboards for each of the 7 ‘Mech Divisions. It is possible for players who play in multiple divisions to be on multiple leaderboards. A global leaderboard will average player rankings across all 7 ‘Mech Divisions to show who the big dogs are in Solaris. Leaderboards for solo play vs group play are separated. There is a grand total of 16 leaderboards in Solaris.
Solaris also includes the ability to spectate Solaris matches. The number of spectators is increasing dramatically from the current 3 spectators for private matches. The Solaris main screen will also display high competition/exciting matches that can be selected to see who the participants are and what their ranking difference is. After selecting these matches, the player can spectate that match if they so wish. All tools available from the current spectator line-up will be available to all spectators of the Solaris match.
The MechBay is receiving an update that allows players to rotate the camera laterally around their ‘Mech instead of the ‘Mech spinning on the spot. Visual customization screens will still retain the ability to spin the ‘Mech to allow for easier placement of decals. The ability to enter first person view has also been added and allows players to walk around and freelook around the MechBay.
Solaris is about the synergy found between MechWarriors and their BattleMechs. It is the ultimate display of their capabilities as a pilot and being in sync with their BattleMechs capabilities. It is because of this and nature of 1v1/2v2 arena combat, consumables will not be allowed in Solaris.
Solaris is scheduled to launch in April 2018. Internal development is coming along quite quickly and this timeframe has a very high probability of being on target unless something catastrophic happens.